危險物品 禁止項目
The following items must not be carried in your baggage (hand baggage and checked-in baggage):
![]() POISONSSuch as arsenic, cyanide, weed killer and tear gas.
![]() WET CELL BATTERIESSuch as batteries filled with acid (e.g car), batteries filled with alkali (e.g. aircraft) or sealed non-spillable batteries (e.g. wheelchair)
![]() CORROSIVESSuch as mercury, acids, alkalis, thermometers containing mercury and wet cell batteries
![]() FIREWORKS & EXPLOSIVESSubstances and devices* capable, or appearing capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft
![]() DEEPLY REFRIGERATED / COMPRESSED GASSuch as butane, oxygen, propane and aqualung cylinders
![]() CLASS 2 FLAMMABLE / NON-FLAMMABLE GASSuch as aerosols including aerosol paints, filled-aqualung cylinders, carbon dioxide cylinders for soda syphons, gas or fuel cylinders.
![]() RADIOACTIVE MATERIALSSuch as instruments containing radioactive source radioisotopes for research
![]() INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCESSuch as viruses and bacteria
![]() MAGNETIC MATERIALSIndustrial strength magnets or magnetized material.
![]() DAMAGED / DEFECTIVE BATTERIES & IN PORTABLE DEVICESLithium batteries that are defective or that have been damaged, have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit and are forbidden for transport
![]() BAGGAGE WITH NON-REMOVABLE LITHIUM ION BATTERIESSuch as baggage where the lithium battery is designed to charge other devices and cannot be removed, must be considered as power bank.
![]() STUNNING / DISABLING DEVICESElectro shock weapons (e.g. Tasers) containing dangerous goods such as explosives, compressed gases, lithium batteries, etc.
![]() OXIDISING MATERIAL AND ORGANIC PEROXIDESSuch as bleaches, resin kits and fiberglass repair kits.
![]() HOVERBOARD / BALANCE WHEELSSmall lithium battery powered vehicles such as air wheels, solo wheels, balance wheels and hoverboards.
![]() CLASS 3 FLAMMABLE LIQUID & CLASS 4 FLAMMABLE SOLIDSuch as lighter or heater fluids, paints, thinner, solvents, petrol and all matches are unacceptable in baggage.
![]() FIREARMS & AMMUNITIONS Devices that discharge projectiles devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile
![]() SHARPS Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury
![]() WORKMEN’S TOOLS Tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft
![]() BLUNT INSTRUMENTS Objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit
*Explosive and incendiary substances and devices such as ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, replica or imitation explosive devices, mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, fireworks and pyrotechnics, smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
Any other substance or item which during a flight present a danger not covered above such as offensive or magnetic materials may also be prohibited.
Certain items are exempted such as guests having in their possession prescription medicine which may include medically necessary needles and syringes. A supporting letter from your doctor will be required.
Except for the following:
![]() SHARP EDGES/POINTSAllowed as checked-in baggage only
![]() MATCHES / LIGHTERAllowed as carry-on baggage only on person’s body however ‘Strike anywhere’ matches, ‘Blue flame’ or ‘cigar’ lighters are forbidden
![]() E-CIGARETTES / VAPEAllowed as carry-on baggage only, however subjected to each country’s ruling
攜帶式充電器 / 行動電源
- 泛指手機及平板電腦等消費性電子產品的攜帶式充電設備。此類產品不分形狀或尺寸,可能為高功率(Watt-hour ratings) 充電設備。
- 根據國際航空運輸協會(IATA)「危險品法規」的規定,行動電源須分類識別為鋰離子或鋰金屬電池。
- 旅客攜帶行動電源等及其他視為備用電池等產品至機艙內,須妥善保護避免短路,如放置於保護盒,且不可放置於託運行李之內。行動電源若無明確標示規格或數值一律禁止攜帶。
- 充電設備禁止於機艙內使用。
- 飛行期間禁止充電。
- 電源須關閉並放入塑膠保護袋中。
- 備用鋰電池不超過100瓦特-小時,每人可攜帶4個備用電池上機。
- 須經航空公司同意,備用鋰電池超過100瓦特-小時但不超過160瓦特-小時,每人最多可攜帶2個備用電池上機。
攜帶式充電器或行動電源一律嚴格禁止放置於託運行李之中。 汶萊皇家航空提醒各位旅客多加利用機艙座椅的USB插槽,為您的手機或平板電腦充電。
- B787夢幻客機: 經濟客艙USB插槽位於個人視聽娛樂系統螢幕下方,商務客艙USB插槽位於座椅扶手下方。
- A320NEO 客機: USB插槽位於個人視聽娛樂系統螢幕下方。
A320CEO 客機: 商務客艙USB插槽位於個人娛樂系統螢幕下方,經機客艙USB插槽位於座椅扶手下方。
鋰電池有兩種類型:鋰離子 (可充電) 與鋰金屬 (不可充電)。備用電池須個別保護避免短路。包括在電極兩邊貼上絕緣膠帶、將電池個別放入塑膠袋、或使用原裝電池。
電池類型 | 電池 | 隨身攜帶的行李 | 托運行李 | 備件數量與保護措施 |
小型可充電與小型不可充電 (最多 100 瓦時/最多 2 克鋰容量) 用於以下產品的電池:
在電子設備中 | 有 | 建議您隨身攜帶 | 2 件筆記型電腦電池、12 件同等大小的 AA 電池或 9V 方形電池。應
小型可充電與小型不可充電 (最多 100 瓦時/最多 2 克鋰容量) 用於以下產品的電池:
備件 | 有 | 否 | 2 件筆記型電腦電池、12 件同等大小的 AA 電池或 9V 方形電池。應
中型可充電 (即介於 100 瓦時至 160 瓦時) 用於以下產品的電池:
在電子設備中 | 有 | 建議您隨身攜帶 | 僅限 2 件。應;
中型可充電 (即介於 100 瓦時至 160 瓦時) 用於以下產品的電池:
備件 | 有 | 否 | 僅限 2 件。應;
中型與大型不可充電 (即含有 2 克以上鋰容量)
必須按照現行的危險物品規定作為貨物運輸 | |||
大型可充電 (即 160 瓦時以上) | 必須按照現行的危險物品規定作為貨物運輸 | |||
所有攜帶的類型 | 必須按照現行的危險物品規定作為貨物運輸 |
瓦時 (Wh) = 安培小時 (Ah) x 電壓 (v)
舉例:14000 毫安培小時 12 電壓,為 14000/1000 (安培小時) X 12 (電壓) = 168 瓦時
隨身行李 限制物品
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- 刀 (瑞士刀、劍、獵刀、匕首)
- 剪刀和尖銳物 (如冰錐、飛鏢、刮鬍刀刀片、掛鉤)
- 冰斧、美工刀、刀片長度超過 6 公分的刀片、從支點測量刀片長度超過 6 公分的剪刀、具有尖銳點或鋒利邊緣的武術裝備、劍和軍刀
- 用於劈砍的刀具,如斧頭、輕便斧和剁刀
- 用以打擊且可能造成嚴重傷害的鈍器,如棒球和壘球棒、高爾夫球桿、警棍 (如短棍、短大頭棒、長棍) 以及武術裝備。
Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro
Apple has announced that the battery for some older generation 15-inch MacBook Pro units may overheat and pose a fire safety risk.
Royal Brunei Airlines restricts the use of 15-inch MacBook Pro units sold between September 2015 and February 2017 on board unless information is provided to verify the laptop is not affected by the MacBook Pro Battery Recall Program. These devices may be permitted for use in-flight if guests provide verification that their unit is not affected or that the batteries have been replaced. To verify if a device is affected by this recall, please visit: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/15-inch-macbook-pro-battery-recall
Guests that do not have proof of verification will be required to keep the device turned off, protect it from accidental activations and not charge it at any time during in-flight.
Smart Luggage
Smart Luggage is defined by bags powered by lithium batteries that may include motors, power banks, GPS, GSM, Bluetooth, RFID or Wi-Fi technology.
Smart luggage is allowed as cabin baggage (hand-carry) if:
- The lithium battery is removable
- The removable battery can remain installed, with the condition that the smart luggage power must be completely switched off
- Adhere to RB’s cabin baggage allowance on the size and weight limit of 7kg
Smart luggage is allowed as checked-in baggage if:
- The lithium battery can be removed from the baggage and the lithium battery must be carried in the cabin.
- Adhere to RB’s checked-in baggage allowance on size and weight limit
Smart luggage with non-removable lithium battery is not permitted for carriage on all RB flights as cabin or checked-in baggage.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7
汶萊皇家航空 (RB) 配合汶萊民航局 2016 年 10 月 17 日發布的三星 Galaxy Note 7 禁攜安全公告,自 2016 年 10 月 18 日起所有航班全面禁止攜帶三星 Galaxy Note 7 登機。
為安全與預防起見,該禁令涵蓋本人攜帶登機、手提行李、交付託運及貨運的三星 Galaxy Note 7 裝置。
提醒您,如經發現攜帶三星 Galaxy Note 7 裝置,旅客將無法登機。
機組人員與尊貴旅客的安全是 RB 的第一優先考量。
Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAGS) Restrictions
Restrictions may differ from country to country. Many countries have implemented restrictions on the carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels in accordance with the guidelines set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The restrictions are:
- Liquids, aerosols and gels will only be allowed in cabin baggage if they’re kept in containers of not more than 100ml each, even if the containers are only partially filled.
- Containers must be carried in a clear, resealable plastic bag. The total volume of the bag must not exceed 1 litre.
- Each guest is only allowed one such plastic bag.
- The bag must be removed from cabin baggage and presented during security checks for visual and/or X-ray screening.
Medication, as well as food items for special dietary requirements including baby formula:
- are permitted in cabin baggage
- must be removed from cabin baggage and declared during security checks
- may be subject to additional security checks.
- If you are carrying prescription medicine, you are advised to carry supporting documentation (such as an ID card and a letter from your physician) for verification.
Should you carry more than the allowed limit during security screenings at the boarding gate, items will not be accepted for checked-in in the cargo holds and will be disposed.
It is encouraged that guests check the restrictions of the country you are visiting prior to your flight at IATA Travel Center