

Special Meals


Special Meal requests can be made during booking through our online portal,, or by contacting your nearest RB Office. To ensure that we are able to cater to your dietary needs, special meal requests are to be made no later than 24 hours prior to scheduled flight departure time. Please note that due to the brief travel time, meals are not served in the Brunei-Kota Kinabalu-Brunei route.

Available meals include the following:

Dietary Meals
清淡調味餐 BLML Suitable for guests suffering from stomach or intestinal problems.

Ingredients that potentially stimulate gastric discomfort are omitted. E.g. black pepper, chilli powder, excessive cooking oil.

糖尿病患者餐點 DBML A low-sugar, low-fat and low-salt meal suitable for diabetic patients.
水果盤 FPML Contains fresh fruits with no additives and/or preservatives.
無麩質餐點 GFML Suitable for guests who are allergic or intolerant to gluten.

Contains no wheat, wheat flour, rye, barley, oats and bran in any form (including food items which may contain such ingredients).

低卡路里餐 LCML Suitable for guests on a low-calorie diet.

Does not contain fried or fatty foods, full cream dairy products, fatty meats, syrups, sauces such as mayonnaise and creamy salad dressing.

低脂低膽固醇餐 LFML Excludes the use of animal fats or fatty foods. Food naturally high in cholesterol (e.g. poultry skin of all types) and fried foods of all types are omitted.

Only fat-free or low-fat dairy products (e.g. skimmed/low-fat milk or cottage cheese), lean meat and polyunsaturated liquid vegetable oils are permitted.

低鹽餐 LSML Salt as well as processed foods (e.g. baking powder, soda and MSG are either eliminated or restricted in amount.
Low Lactose Meal NLML Suitable for guests with lactose intolerance.

Dairy products such as milk, dry milk solids, cream, butter, margarine and cheese are omitted.

Vegetarian Meals
Asian Vegetarian Meal AVML A strict vegetarian meal, usually prepared spicy with limited use of dairy products.

Does not contain meat and meat products, fish, fowl and products with lard or gelatine and eggs.

西式素食餐 (蛋奶素) VLML A non-strict vegetarian meal which include eggs and dairy products.

Does not include meat, meat products, fish, fowl and products with lard or gelatine.

Western Vegan Meal VGML A vegan meal; a strict vegetarian meal that does not contain products from animal sources, meat and meat products, fish, fowl and products with lard or gelatin, dairy products, eggs and honey.
東方素食餐 VOML A vegetarian meal prepared in Chinese style.

Does not contain meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products.

耆那素食餐 VJML A vegetarian meal prepared in Indian style and according to Jain customs.

Does not contain meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, root or bulbous vegetables and dairy products

新鮮果菜餐 RVML Contains raw vegetables and a variety of fresh fruits.

Does not contain meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, caffeinated beverages, highly processed foods, additives and preservatives.

Baby, Infant and Child Meals
寶寶餐 BBML Suitable for infants between 6 to 24 months only.
兒童餐 CHML Suitable for children between the ages of two (2) to five (5).
Religious Meals
Non-Vegetarian Hindu Meal HNML A non-vegetarian meal prepared according to Hindu customs and respecting Hindu dietary practices and beliefs.

Contains meat (lamb, poultry), fish, and/or dairy products. It is a non-vegetarian meal suitable for those who do not consume beef, veal, pork, smoked and raw fish.

Other Meals
海鮮餐 SFML This meal contains only fish and/or seafood




  • 請瞭解皇家汶萊航空 (代碼「BI」) 並未提供無過敏原餐點,因為我們在機上供應堅果點心,而且餐點中可能含有堅果、乳製品、蛋、魚以及其他可能不適合您食用的過敏性物質。
  • BI 無法保證提供完全無過敏原的餐點/無過敏原環境與班機。對於機上可能發生的任何過敏反應,BI 恕不負責。
  • BI 無法禁止所有乘客攜帶自己的食物或點心進入飛機客艙,或在機艙內開啟、食用,而其可能包含過敏顆粒 (如花生製品)。

再者,皇家汶萊航空無法禁止乘客攜帶自己的食物或點心進入飛機客艙,而其可能包含過敏顆粒 (如花生製品)。因此,皇家汶萊航空在此通知,對於機上可能發生的任何過敏反應恕不負責。


  • 建議您在隨身行李中放置必需藥物、醫療用口罩或儀器,以備需要時使用。還要請您確保所有藥物都有專業標示,並註明您的姓名與藥物名稱。您還應該攜帶醫生處方副本/支持的書面聲明以茲證明。
  • 若您不確定是否能在緊急狀況發生時管理自己的藥物,建議您與能夠提供協助者同行。
  • 如果您需要絕對無過敏原的飲食,強烈建議您根據目前的液體、氣霧劑、凝膠物品 (LAGS) 限制,自行攜帶不需要在機上冷藏或加熱的食物。更多資訊請參閱我們的 LAGS 限制
  • 我們無法加熱您隨身攜帶的食物,也無法為您冷藏食物,以免您的食物容器污染機上冰箱或微波爐內的其他食物。
  • 有嚴重過敏症的乘客,建議您採取必要的措施,盡可能減少暴露於過敏原的機會,並採取所有必要的預防措施,為萬一暴露於過敏原的情形做好準備。
