Visiting Brunei

Visiting Brunei

In Brunei, the sun rises over panoramas. Known as ‘The Abode of Peace’, Brunei is located in the heart of Borneo Island. Also known as ‘Venice of the East’, Brunei is home to the world’s largest floating village. This charming little country is rich in culture and will definitely surprise you with an adventure.

Here’s a guide to Brunei, including popular tourist attractions, tour packages and recommended accommodations. Discover Brunei through local stories and read local recommendations of the Best of Brunei.

View our full list of available tour packages:

The import of the following products are subject to restrictions imposed by Brunei Darussalam’s Customs and Excise Department.

Currency and Negotiable Instruments

Guests entering or leaving Brunei carrying physical currency or other negotiable instruments valued at BND15,000 (USD 11,000 approx.) or more are required to complete a declaration form and submit it to a customs officer upon arrival and/or an immigration officer prior to departure.

Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products

Duty charge on cigarettes and tobacco products may vary. We advise checking on the official Brunei Government website for the latest information.


Non-Muslim guests are permitted to bring two bottles of liquor and 12 cans of beer for personal consumption only.


A reasonable quantity of perfume is allowed.

Prohibited Items

The carriage of prohibited items such as drugs and live ammunition, including amulets, lucky charms, decorations, and other byproducts containing prohibited items, is a serious offense punishable by law for 5 to 15 years of imprisonment and 3 to 12 strokes of whipping. This applies to all passengers traveling into or transiting in Brunei without exception.

At Royal Brunei Airlines, we are committed to helping you find peace of mind on your travels. Helping you stay well-informed is our commitment to you. For essential advise on travelling into and out of Brunei feel free to browse through our Information section.

View a list of Brunei Missions abroad and Foreign Missions in Brunei below: