GDS Booking Policy

GDS Booking Policy

Royal Brunei Airlines ADM Policy for unproductive bookings

Royal Brunei Airlines ADM Policy for unproductive bookings

Royal Brunei Airlines (BI) is updating its ADM policy for unproductive bookings. The following items, if not observed, may lead to an ADM to the travel agent.

  1. Ticketing Time Limits (TTL)
    • Travel agent should ticket or cancel the booking before the TTL. Royal Brunei Airlines (BI) will cancel un-ticketed bookings at TTL. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR.
  2. Duplicate Booking
    • BI will check for duplicate bookings for the same passenger on the same route and date. Duplicate bookings are not allowed and reduces seat availability for other passengers.
    • BI will keep the confirmed booking in the highest class and cancel the others, regardless if the duplicates are made by different PCCs and in a different GDS. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR.
  3. Inadequate Contact Information
    • IATA resolution 830d requires the travel agent to record passenger’s contact details for the airline to contact passengers in time of flight reschedules and operational disruptions.
    • BI requires that SSR CTCE and SSR CTCM is populated with the passenger’s correct email and mobile number. If the passenger refuse to provide their contact details, the travel agent is to input SSR CTCR in the PNR.
    • Should the passenger miss his/her flight due to a failure to receive notifications, and an audit of the PNR proves that the travel agent did not record the passenger’s contact information, and that CTCR did not exist, the airline reserves the right to pass on the cost of re-accommodation and applicable compensations (e.g. UK261/EU261) to the travel agent.
  4. Impossible Journey
    • If a booking is found with an impossible journey (such as BWNMEL and BWNLHR on the same date), BI will provide the agent with a time limit to cancel the unwanted segment. The entire itinerary will be cancelled if the impossible segment is not cancelled by the time limit. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR.
  5. False or Fictitious Names
    • BI reserves the right to raise and ADM for bookings under fake/fictitious names, such as;
    • Famous or celebrity names may be genuine. BI will evaluate the authenticity of these bookings. An obviously fake/fictitious name booking will be cancelled. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR.
    • In addition, repeat offenders will be blocked from BI inventory
  6. Test or Training PNRs
    • GDSs provide travel agents with a test or training partition. Agents should not conduct tests or training on airline’s live inventory.
    • BI will cancel test and training PNRs without warning. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR. ADM may be raised if agent persists in creating test/training bookings.
  7. Waitlisted Bookings
    • The travel agent is expected to cancel and remove WL/HL segments voluntarily. If the travel agent fails to do so, BI will cancel these segments at flight firming, and the travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNR.
  8. Minimum Connecting Time (MCT)
    • Travel Agents must not forcibly create a booking that does not respect the minimum connecting time at the transit station.
    • If a passenger or his/her baggage fails to meet their connecting flight, due to insufficient connection time, and must be rerouted to their destination, BI will pass the cost of re-accommodation and applicable compensation.
    • Applicable compensations can be but not limited to UK261/EU261, delayed baggage compensation.
  9. Speculative bookings
    • Blocking of inventory for the purpose of future sales is not allowed. Blocking of inventory creates an artificial demand which reduces availability and increases the fare for bona-fide travelers. Un-materialized bookings lead to seat spoilage. BI will cancel bookings that fit the profile of speculative bookings. The travel agent is expected to remove the cancelled segment from the GDS PNE. Habitual speculative bookers may be blocked from BI inventory.
  10. Churning
    • Segments that are repeatedly cancelled and rebooked to circumvent TTL, or to reinstate speculative bookings that were cancelled by the airline. BI considers 3 cancellations (regardless by GDS or airline action) for the same passenger to be acceptable. BI will raise ADM for rebooked segments following the 4th cancellation. Habitual churners will be blocked from BI inventory.
  11. Inactive Segments
    • Travel Agents must remove all unwanted segments with status codes HX/NO/UC/UN/US/WK/WL/WN immediately. BI will ADM travel agents if the segments still exist within 24 hours of departure.
  12. Passive Bookings
    • Passive bookings are for ticketing purposes only and must match the existing booking held on the BI reservations system. Passives are not permitted against a live booking on the same GDS or across a different GDS. BI will ADM travel agents that abuse the use of passive bookings.

BI will ADM agents through BSP link for the following infractions:

Item Charges
Fake or Fictitious names (item 5) USD 40 per passenger segment
Test or Training bookings (item 6) USD 40 per passenger segment
Churning (item 10) USD 40 per rebooked passenger segment following the 4th cancellation
Unremoved inactive segment (item 11)* USD 40 per passenger segment
Abuse of passive bookings (item 12) USD 40 per passenger segment
Inadequate Contact Information (item 3) Administrative fee of USD 100 on top of the cost of re-accommodating passenger and compensations for passenger missing their flights
Minimum connecting time (item 8) Administrative fee of USD 100 on top of the cost of re-accommodating passenger and compensations for passenger missing their flights

*1B bookings are exempted from ADM for HX/UN/NO/UC segments due to their pricing policy.

Policy on Short Collection as per Resolution 850M

Airline name: Royal Brunei Airlines

Airline Code: BI-672

Unless otherwise specified, Royal Brunei Airlines will issue ADMs (BSP markets) and invoices (BN markets) for the following:

  1. Unreported sales.
  2. Incorrect commission levels.
  3. Under collected taxes.
  4. Under collected Q & YQ Surcharges.
  5. Under collections of fares including incorrect fares.
  6. Double refunds – this may include refunds via BSPlink and manual refunds.
  7. Credit card charge backs.
  8. Booking classes versus fare basis class as per fare rules.
  9. Published fares and/or fare rules deviation.
  10. IT fares and/or fare rules deviation.
  11. Cancellation fees or Administration fees not deducted on refunds.
  12. Interline taxes with an OPEN segment status where the fare basis does not permit an open segment status.
  13. Ticket(s) issued with a segment status NOT CONFIRMED where the fare basis demands that all segments be confirmed.
  14. Ticket(s) which are not issued according to the Terms & Conditions of Net Fares and Published Fares filed in the system.

ROYAL BRUNEI AIRLINES regards all ADM/INVOICE as being disputable but retains the right to issue ADM/INVOICE for the above mention anomalies which can only be disputed through correspondence with the airline or its representative.

Any ADM/INVOICE issuance is within stipulated time of nine months of the final travel date.

Effective 15 January 2022, the previous practice (minimum USD10 for issuance of a single ADM/INVOICE) no longer applies. Any and all amounts will be billed accordingly.

If an agent disputes any one of the ADM/INVOICE (as listed above), ROYAL BRUNEI AIRLINES maintains the right to re-issue any of the disputed ADM/INVOICE to include raising an administration fee of 10% base on the value of the disputed ADM/INVOICE should the investigation reveals that the agent’s dispute was not justified. ROYAL BRUNEI AIRLINES reserves the right to change any of these requirements without advance notification. All parties involved will be notified of any changes.