
Booking With Royal Brunei FAQs

Booking with Royal Brunei Airlines

How to correctly enter my name for online booking?

Please ensure that you enter your name as it appears on your passport when travelling internationally.

Here’s a guide on how to enter your name for online booking with Royal Brunei Airlines.

Example 1

Full Name as per passport Dk Nur Safiyya El Zahra Pg Ermizatul Anwar
Last / Family Name Pg Ermizatul Anwar
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Dk Nur Safiyya El Zahra
Full Name as per passport
Dk Nur Safiyya El Zahra Pg Ermizatul Anwar
Last / Family Name
Pg Ermizatul Anwar
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)
Dk Nur Safiyya El Zahra

Example 2

Full Name as per passport Naira Elailah binti Erhan Noushad
Last / Family Name binti Erhan Noushad
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Naira Elailah
Full Name as per passport
Naira Elailah binti Erhan Noushad
Last / Family Name
binti Erhan Noushad
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)
Naira Elailah

Example 3

Full Name as per passport Fravash Naajy
Last / Family Name Naajy
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Fravash
Full Name as per passport
Fravash Naajy
Last / Family Name
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)


Example 4

Full Name as per passport Michael Fang Fa Rong
Last / Family Name Fang
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Fa Rong Michael or Michael Fa Rong
Full Name as per passport
Michael Fang Fa Rong
Last / Family Name
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)
Fa Rong Michael or Michael Fa Rong


Example 5

Full Name as per passport Aaron Theodore Clark-Ramsey
Last / Family Name Clark-Ramsey
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Aaron Theodore
Full Name as per passport
Aaron Theodore Clark-Ramsey
Last / Family Name
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)
Aaron Theodore

In the event that the passenger does not have First and Middle Name or Given Name(s), the passenger’s title would serve as the First and Middle Name or Given Name(s). For example

Full Name as per passport Sumiati
Last / Family Name Sumiati
First and Middle name / Given Name(s) Miss
Full Name as per passport
Last / Family Name
First and Middle name / Given Name(s)

Kindly contact your nearest Royal Brunei Airlines Office should you need further assistance.

How do I change guest name on the ticket?

As tickets are non-transferable, complete name change is not permitted.

However, name correction is permitted.  If you need to make changes on guest name, please contact your nearest Royal Brunei Office. If you have booked through a travel agent, we recommend you contact your travel agent to make any changes.

*Admin fees apply for changes made via our Royal Brunei Office.

How do I book with Royal Brunei using Multiple City?

Multiple City is currently unavailable online.  Please contact nearest RB Office to make arrangement.

What is the maximum number of guests I can book in one online transaction?

Our online booking system allows a maximum of nine (09) guests in one transaction. For a travelling party of more than nine (09) guests, please contact your nearest Royal Brunei Airlines office.

Can I book a child ticket online?

Yes, you can as long as it is booked together with an accompanying adult (at least 18 years old or older) in the same transaction.

Can I book an infant ticket online?

Yes, you can as long as it is booked together with an accompanying adult (at least 18 years old or older) in the same transaction. An infant must be more than seven (07) days old and under two (02) years of age on the date of flight.

Are there time restrictions for online bookings?

You can book online from up to 330 days before your flight departs to the time that all seats are sold or the flight is closed (4 hours before scheduled departure), whichever comes first.